Denver DUI with Marijuana Lawyer

Denver Underage
DUI Lawyer

Underage DUI Laws in Colorado

A Denver Underage DUI Attorney Explains the Law

Underage drivers face slightly different charges than drunk drivers who are 21 years old or older. Colorado DUI laws include a charge for underage drinking and driving (UDD). This charge applies to anyone under 21 years old who has a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.02% or more while driving a vehicle. Anyone convicted of this offense will receive at least a three-month license suspension, community service, and fines of up to $300. On the second offense or beyond, someone convicted of this charge can also receive as much as 90 days in jail.

The penalties for the above seem light, but that is because underage drivers are held to a different standard than adult drivers. Typically, an adult must have a BAC of 0.08% to be guilty of a DUI. Conversely, the 0.02% standard for underage drivers means they can be charged after imbibing only a single drink. Furthermore, if an underage driver has a BAC of 0.05% or higher, they may be charged with a standard DUI and face the normal penalties, despite being held to stricter standards. Finally, a minor is also likely to be charged with additional crimes based on possessing or imbibing alcohol while underage.

While the penalties for underage drinking and driving are technically less severe than normal DUI penalties, the standards that underage drivers are held to are much stricter.

How a Denver Underage DUI Lawyer Can Help

Never Wait to Contact a Lawyer

While community service or a short stint in county jail may not seem like severe penalties for an adult, a conviction for underage drinking and driving can be life-altering for a teenager. This type of penalty on your record could result in colleges’ refusing your application or employers’ refusing to hire you. That is a big hole to start in when you are just embarking on your life.

A Denver underage DUI attorney can help you avoid the worst of these penalties. There are several options for preventing these charges from ruining your future. When possible, your attorney will attempt to get the charges dismissed based on inappropriate arrest procedures or similar violations of your rights. If that isn’t possible, your lawyer may be able to negotiate lesser charges that don’t result in a drunk driving charge on your record. It is better to plead to a lesser charge and do some community service than be branded as a drunk driver for the rest of your life.

If you are under 21 years old and have been arrested for drunk driving, don’t wait to consult with an experienced Denver underage DUI lawyer. Contact the Law Office of Kevin Cahill at 720-445-9887 immediately to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Us?

The Law Office of Kevin Cahill is a Denver criminal defense law firm that has been helping Colorado defendants for almost two decades. Because he has previously handled hundreds of DUI cases successfully, Kevin Cahill has experience with almost every type of circumstance. That is critical when you are facing serious charges. You need a lawyer who has handled similar cases and either negotiated a reasonable plea deal or successfully argued for a “not guilty” verdict in court.

Almost equally important, Kevin Cahill understands the emotional turmoil of his clients. He doesn’t just fight for your rights but also provides comfort and stress relief. The criminal justice system is a lot less frightening when a compassionate and understanding Denver underage DUI attorney is guiding you through it. If you want a lawyer who will relieve your stress and get results, contact the Law Office of Kevin Cahill.


Do you have questions about underage drunk driving, your rights, and your options? Most people do. These answers will help.

Do I have to take a breathalyzer test if I am arrested for drunk driving?

Colorado has implied-consent laws that require any licensed driver to submit to a test to identify whether they are under the influence. If you refuse to take a test, you can face penalties even if you weren’t driving under the influence.

Will my license be automatically reinstated after the suspension is complete?

No. To have your license reinstated, you must petition the Colorado DMV to reinstate your driving privilege. Before you can petition for reinstatement, you must complete all conditions of your revocation. For a license suspended due to underage drunk driving, you must have paid the fine, completed your community service, and waited the appropriate amount of time.

Can I be arrested even if I haven’t been drinking?

Yes. A police officer can arrest you for drunk driving if they have a suspicion that you were drinking. If this happens, you can probably avoid being prosecuted by passing a breathalyzer test.

Should my parents be present before I speak to a police officer?

That depends on how old you are. If you are between 18 years old and 20 years old, you don’t have the right to have parents present. However, if you are under 18 years old, you do.

If you still have questions about underage drunk driving, our law firm will be happy to answer them.

Contact a DUI Lawyer Today

Underage DUI charges are never something to take lightly. A conviction could influence your future for years or even decades. Talk to a lawyer today if you are facing these charges.

The Law Office of Kevin Cahill has a long history of helping people facing DUI charges in Denver. Contact our law firm at 720-445-9887 to learn about your legal options.

Denver CO Defense Lawyer Kevin Cahill


Denver Defense Lawyer Kevin Cahill never assumes that your case is a lost cause. He is a confident and fearless litigator who refuses to back down when he is fighting to protect the rights of his clients. Regardless of whether you are facing a felony or a misdemeanor, it is vital that you take the charges seriously and seek out legal representation as soon as possible so you can start building your defense. [ ATTORNEY BIO ]

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