

How Speeding Turns into an OWI Arrest

  • August 21, 2015
  • DUI

Many drivers expect that they are safe from a drunk driving arrest if they do not show obvious signs of drunk driving like weaving in the lane of traffic or crossing the center line or fog line. This is not the case. The fact is many drunk driving cases start with seemingly innocuous conduct like speeding. The speeding itself may not provide a basis for an OWI stop or arrest, but it starts a chain of events that culminates into an OWI arrest. That means handcuffs and[ ... ]

4 Internet Activities That May Constitute White Collar Crime

White collar crime is a broad term that covers many different areas, and its possible many people commit these sorts of crimes without knowing how serious they are. When most of us think hear “white collar crime,” the phrase calls to mind CEOs and investment bankers. But in reality, these types of crimes can be committed by anyone – from politicians to small business owners. Generally speaking, white collar crimes are non-violent crimes committed solely[ ... ]

8 Ways You Can Violate a Protection Order

A protection order can have a dramatic impact on every aspect of your life, limiting who you can speak to, the places you can go, and the things you can do. In some cases, a protection order—sometimes referred to as a “restraining order”—can keep you from entering your own home or speaking with your children. But while the terms of your restrain[ ... ]

Colorado Has 17th Strictest DUI Laws in the US

  • July 27, 2015
  • DUI

If you or someone you know has even been on the wrong side of DUI checkpoint while driving in the Denver area, you probably can’t imagine a state that’s tougher on drunk driving than Colorado. Turns out, however, that there are 16 states with more strict laws on the books. That’s according to a 2015 report from WalletHub that compares DUI laws in all 50[ ... ]

Can You be Charged with Burglarizing Your Own Residence?

Residential Burglary Laws in Colorado CONTACT US! It was past midnight in the town of Farmington, Colorado when shouting erupted in the 1400 block area of North Laguna Avenue. A young woman had arrived home to find her back door smashed open, and she had a good idea of who might have been responsible—her ex-boyfriend, semiprofessional MMA fighter Stephen Malouff. Malouf[ ... ]

Why Do People Shoplift?

Recent studies have found that as many as one in 11 Americans has shoplifted in their lifetime. It’s a time-honored crime that is practiced by people of all ages, genders, races, religions, and income brackets.[ ... ]

When Are Police Allowed to Search My Devices?

As we head further into the digital age, more and more of our important and personal information is stored on our electronic devices. The growth of information technology has given rise to a new privacy issue: can police officers and other government officials access our personal computers, phones, and other digital devices? Under the Fourth Amendment, you are protected from unreasonable search and seizure. Just as police usually need[ ... ]

Cars May Soon be Required to Have Breathalyzers

  • April 6, 2015
  • DUI

The modern car is equipped with cutting-edge technology designed to ensure driver safety, from adaptive cruise control to blind-spot detection to lane-departure warning systems. Soon, there may be a new safety feature installed in cars—built-in breathalyzers, or Ignition Interlock Devices. A recent study from the University of Michigan fo[ ... ]

Best Apps to Keep You from Driving Drunk

  • March 23, 2015
  • DUI

Despite the government’s best efforts to stop drunk driving completely, there continue to be widespread instances of drunk driving all around the country each day. Tragically, too many of these instances lead to terrible accidents and arrests. Accidents that result from drunk driving are often some of the most horrifying, and the consequences that can arise from being charged with a drunk driving arrest can be just as devastating. Luckily, technological adv[ ... ]

Can I Use Marijuana While on Probation in Colorado?

While medicinal marijuana use has been permitted in Colorado since 2000, this right did not extend to those on parole or probation. Now, that’s all going to change. Last month, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper approved legislation that would allow people on probation or parole to use medical marijuana[ ... ]

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    Denver, CO 80222

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