Few criminal charges can be as devastating to the accused as sex crime charges. Even if you are innocent of the charges, rumors of misdeeds can stay with you for life. You could lose your livelihood, friends, and family due to these charges. While you may not be able to do much to prevent rumors, you can establish your innocence as quickly as possible. The sooner you are acquitted or those charges are dropped or dismissed, the easier it will be to shake the cloud of[ ... ]
Allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct are more common today than ever before. Often, it can be hard to identify whether someone’s behavior justifies such accusations. There’s also a general lack of knowledge surrounding the difference between sexual harassment and misconduct. If you’ve been accused of inappropriate sexual behavior, it’s important to understand your rights and when to call a lawyer. Protecting yourself starts with understan[ ... ]
America is the land of the free, but that doesn’t mean there are no rules. Now, generally speaking, you can date anyone you want, but there are a few sexual relationships that are illegal in the eyes of the law. With that being said, let’s identify some of the romances that are illegal in Colorado. CONTACT US! Age of Consent in Colorado The age of consent is 1[ ... ]
Many people boil consent down to a black-and-white, yes-or-no type of situation, but the law is more ambiguous than that. Today, we will examine Colorado's definition of consent and examine some of the practical applications. Colorado’s Definition of Consent[ ... ]